Terms and Conditions Policy January 2022
Pole Kitty Fitness has adopted these Terms and Conditions Policy which applies to all our services including pole and dance classes, courses, workshops and privates booked by clients (“you”) at Pole Kitty Fitness.
1. Types of Classes and Bookings
1.1 Drop In Classes
Drop In classes are available and must be booked and paid for in full before commencement of the class.
1.2 Drop In Class Passes
We offer Drop In Class Passes which enable you to purchase a group of 2, 5 & 10 classes in advance. The Class Pass must be paid in full in advance prior to attending any casual class using your pass. The Class Passes are valid for 2-6 months from the date of your first class, and can only be used by the purchaser.
1.3 Courses
Our courses usually consist of 4 or 8 x 1hr classes held within a Studio Term (2 months).
1.4 Workshops
Workshops are specialty classes held regularly throughout the Studio Term. Payment for Workshops must be made in full upon booking the Workshop.
1.5 Private Lessons
Private Lessons are a specialty session booked by appointment throughout the Studio Term. You can buy single 1 hour lesson or packs of 3, 5 and 10.
1, 3 and 5 packs have expiration date of 6 months and 10 pack expires in a year.
1.6 Memberships
Memberships are a fortnightly direct debit payment option valid for a minimum of 2x Terms. Please see the Membership Agreement for all terms and conditions.
2. How to Cancel
To cancel any of our services listed above, please cancel via the website or by contacting Pole Kitty Fitness via Facebook or Instagram.
3. Notice of Cancellation
3.1 Casual Classes
A minimum of 6hrs notice is required to cancel a Drop In Class. The class fee is not refundable but can be transferred to another class subject to availability. If you late cancel by providing us with less than 6hrs notice, your class credit is not refundable. This is especially important due to COVID. If you are unwell with Cold or Flu-like symptoms on the morning of your class, please cancel.
3.2 Courses
A minimum of 7 days’ notice is required to cancel your participation in a Course prior to its commencement. If you give us the required notice we will refund your Course fee less a cancellation fee of $100. If you give us less than 7 days’ notice there is no refund or transfer on any part of the Course fees. If you drop out of a Course once it has commenced, you will not be entitled to a refund for the remainder of the course except under extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the owner.
Make-Up Class Policy – If you are unable to attend any of the classes within the Course, please let us know at the time of booking and we will offer you A Make-Up Class. Make-Up Classes can only be taken within the same Studio Term as your course is for, subject to availability.
3.3 Workshops
A minimum of 24hrs notice is required to cancel a Workshop. The Workshop fee is not refundable but can be transferred to another Workshop subject to availability. If you late cancel by providing us with less than 24hrs notice, your fee is not refundable.
3.4 Private Tuition
A minimum of 24hrs notice is required to cancel a Private Tuition session. The deposit is not refundable, but with the required notice can be transferred to another time, subject to availability.
3.5 Warm-Up Policy
If you are more than 10 minutes late for the start of a class, and therefore missing a significant section of the warm-up, you will not be allowed to join the class as it is unsafe to do so. However we will offer a Make-Up Class that can be taken in the same studio term, subject to availability.
4. Your Health
It is your responsibility to notify us in the event of any injury or medical condition prior to class whether you feel that it is relevant to your performance in class or not. If we are of the view that you are not fit to participate in a class, we have the right to refuse your participation and our decision is final. Suspension and cancellation of your membership and make up classes in this situation will be governed by these Terms and Conditions.
You must not attend the studio if you have an infection, contagious illness or physical ailment such as open cut or sore, or where there is any other risk to other students, guests or yourself. You agree to pay the cost of and authorise us to take all steps we consider reasonably necessary to protect your welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.
5. Additional Information
Pole Kitty Fitness reserves the right to change this Cancellation Policy at any time and will post an updated version of this policy on our website
Contact Information
Pole Kitty Fitness